to all my lady hustlers

Don’t we all love sharing with the world who/what are we the most proud of? Whether it’s related to something that’s been part of your life since the day you were born to something new in your life. Like, walking in to a game wearing a hoodie with the name of the team you hope will win. Even wearing a t-shirt of your favorite show. I mean LBH after watching ‘Breaking Bad’ I was walking around with a Walter White t-shirt in the office. Yes, the show was that good! How about the letters and colors on a tee that represent the country/city you are from. You’d like to share the pride you have with everyone, including strangers, on where you are from, or where you have been, while walking down the street.

In this particular case I came across The LB brand and I immediately identified with the message behind their collection.  This varsity jacket reads Protector. Lover. Mother in the back… such powerful words to me. When I wear it, it’s a reminder of how proud I am to be one. I think what’s so important is that each and every one of us moms know exactly how hard and gratifying it could all be at the same time. So many hard moments but at the end, each one of the milestones reached and memories created with your children completely erase any difficult moment.

It was so great to scroll through LB Brand’s blog and encounter so many beautiful momma’s that have a full time job, or are stay at home moms that embrace where they are in life. In addition to protecting, loving, and just all around hustling in life they continue to somehow keep it stylish! Check out my mini interview on what I had to say on being a mommy and keeping it stylish: here.

I have a passion for the Knicks since my dad followed them since I was a little girl. And there are so many other interests that define who I am such as music, for example. But the team I am proudest to be  a part of is with all my fellow mammas. We are strong, we are powerful, and we are the future. All we have to do is raise our kids with dignity, to respect and love everyone around us.  Hopefully our kids will help shape this world into a better place.

Being able to witness how much woman have accomplished in my life time, is as exciting to me, too. There are no boundaries and we keep pushing things into new horizons. We basically run this world, haha.

Checkout LB Brand’s website for all the modern motherhood swag. Even Gwen Stefani  was caught wearing the I AM MOTHERHOOD specs with her children. Find me rocking them: here.  No kids? no problem.  This US brand is bringing ‘Stylish Freethinker’ collection for everyone Spring 2016. It was my pleasure collaborating with LB Brand, I’m a big fan over here.


xx neon hue

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