new york fashion week

How to wear a trench coat this Spring!

I wore a trench coat to New York Fashion Week this February!  You better believe this coat is here to stay all Spring long. I say there is no better way to stay dry this upcoming season. This look below has to be my favorite one so far this year. I was able to play with colors and add that pop of red you all like.  My other latest obsession are midi length dresses.  I wore a striped baby blue dress from H&M, find it: here.  Wear a light jacket over a midi dress, layer it with a top or simply wear it alone.  The stripes on the dress are a deep red almost dark brown so when I saw the trench coat in Rust I knew it would work. Now I could’ve easily worn the classic trench in beige but where’s the fun in that?

I decided to keep the accessories and shoes all one color. I think its a fun way to play with a look. Instead of going monochromatic entirely focus on matching 2 -3 pieces in a look, this could also include jewelry. It’s like making a statement more than once for each outfit. I definitely feel like its a style I’ve recently evolved to and really enjoy wearing right now.

The other popular trend right now are belt bags. I mean taking fanny packs and recreating them for today’s modern day is a brilliant idea! Why didn’t I think of that?! I look forward to wearing them in the summer. When I wore this red studded one, it felt great since I’m typically used to a heavy shoulder bag… all of my essentials fit and it’s adjustable to fit my waist.

Corduroy Nautical Cap: here

Red ankle sock boots: here | here | here

Trench coat in Rust: here

Trench coat in beige: here

xx neon hue

Photography by Christopher Kern

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trench coat rust
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new york fashion week
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new york fashion week
trench coat and other stories
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